Looking for the music.
The last year seems to have thrown one thing after another at me, with personal health issues and other upheavals effecting both me and those I love. My brain isn't one that copes well with sudden or forced changes or upsets. Somewhere along the way I seem to have lost the music for my hearts song and the joy I always found in life and creating. Apart form the odd visit I stepped away from blogging on all my blogs as I could no longer think what to write.
Now I think it's time I tried to return. I miss the people I met through blogs and seeing what they do. I admit I'm still not 100% sure what I'm going to write about now. I don't travel far now and though I still want and love to create, some of the hobbies I use to do are difficult at the moment so I need to go off in a new direction. Find new ways of doing things or new paths to travel on. The journey should at least be interesting though and hopefully along the way my heart will remember it's song of laughter.
Now I think it's time I tried to return. I miss the people I met through blogs and seeing what they do. I admit I'm still not 100% sure what I'm going to write about now. I don't travel far now and though I still want and love to create, some of the hobbies I use to do are difficult at the moment so I need to go off in a new direction. Find new ways of doing things or new paths to travel on. The journey should at least be interesting though and hopefully along the way my heart will remember it's song of laughter.
I hope you find your heart's song again. xx