Granny Weatherwax and headology

I love Granny's view on headology, it's much more pragmatic than our earth bound psychology therapy. Take this quote from Terry Pratchett's 'Maskerade'

"Granny Weatherwax had never heard of psychiatry and would have had no truck with it even if she had.  There are some arts too black even for a witch.  She practiced headology---practiced, in fact, until she was very good at it.  And though there may be some superficial similarities between a psychiatrist and a headologist, there is a huge practical difference.  A psychiatrist, dealing with a man who fears he is being followed by a huge and terrible monster, will endeavor to convince him that monsters don’t exist.  Granny Weatherwax would simply give him a chair to stand on and a very heavy stick."

Granny's is the much more sensible advice, because in the end we all have to turn and face our fears if we are going to combat them.

Headology is all about knowing people and more importantly understanding them. For instance, Granny could if she wish curse people but it's much simpler to just say she had cursed them and let them assume that she is responsible for the next bit of bad luck they have. After all, as long as you know the truth about yourself and keep your feet on the ground. You might as well use what people think and believe to your advantage, so if they think you are a witch you might as well be one. On such things are reputations build. Granny could do magic of course if she wanted, but why put yourself to lots of trouble when people are so ready to believe what they are told by someone such as herself. A big part of learning to be a witch is all about headology.

Today was the last day of Magaly's 'Witches in Fiction' blog party.  I made a list of subjects when I joined the party but with life getting in the way I've only written a handful of the things I wanted to. As I've really enjoyed writing the few post I have, I have decided to carry on with this theme and make some more occasional posts on it. To read some more posts head on over to Magaly's blog Pagan Culture for the links to the other party guests. I haven't had chance to visit all of them yet and I want to go back and make comments on some of the great posts I just made flying visits too. Thanks for the party Magaly, it's been a great theme and sparked off loads of ideas.


  1. Granny Weatherwax ought to be required study in philosophy, just as Lord Vetinari should be in political science... Fantastic post, and pretty well summarises my own feelings on mental health. :) Buried and repressed demons have a habit of just rising again, until they are finally confronted.

  2. Granny Weatherwax ought to be required study in philosophy, just as Lord Vetinari should be in political science... Fantastic post, and pretty well summarises my own feelings on mental health. :) Buried and repressed demons have a habit of just rising again, until they are finally confronted.


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